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I am massively overweight, I’m 5’11 and 433 pounds, my small goal is to get to 350 and then finally 250. I’m trying to lose the weight fast but at least responsibly for someone that has a job that is pretty sedentary. Would it be best to do a 20-4? I’ve been doing this for roughly 2 weeks. I’ve also had cheat days too but I just don’t feel like I’m getting results. It’s frustrating as it’s so easy to gain weight rather than it is to lose it unfortunately. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi. I personally would not recommend doing any cheat days. Two or three bad days can upset your progress for the entire week. Are you eating whatever during your eating window? If so, what is the need to cheat? Don’t beat yourself up, but try harder to avoid breaking your schedule. I know when I started my weight loss journey I wouldn’t cheat at all. Once I got to the place where I needed to maintain, I slacked off a little; occasionally during holidays or when I get in a mood I will indulge. Though, I’m a lot more active now, so my metabolism is better. You can do this. Don’t let boredom or temptation ruin your long term goals.


Start with 16-8 and then slowly push it to 18-6. After a couple of weeks, you’ll barely notice the 16-8.

This is tough for a big guy, but I highly recommend some regular gym time. One to two workouts a week, 1/3rd cardio, 2/3rd’s weight training. That will really help you drop the weight, and after a few weeks you’ll really feel the difference.


Try eating 18/6 for a few days or 19/5 and see if it causes you to not need the cheat days. If you have a craving to cheat allow yourself the cheat BUT within reason. Want ice cream, get a lower calorie and have one scoop. Buy it out so you won’t eat more. Allow this for one week and then just don’t. It’s a mindset. Also eat as much protein as you can to fill you fast and long. Try your best to limit carbs. Don’t put them on the no list but at least do whole wheat bread with a high protein with it. You don’t have to do all at once. Altering your fast window May cause you to lose less or more so play with it. Don’t eat because it’s time to eat. Eat because you need to. It gets easy fast. You just need the mindset the first week or two that you ARE doing this. You got this


You can’t be drastic and fast. Because let’s face it you’re going to have to change your lifestyle to win this.

Start by being aware on how much calorie each food has. Then from there you would know what to eat and not to eat.

You could be eating one meal a day but if your are stuffing yourself with junk then you are bound to fail.


Dawg, hop on over to Youtube, the community here on Reddit, and maybe even the website. Watch all the content you can on the “Snake Diet”, it will literally change the trajectory of your life and it is designed with people like you in mind. Watch all the older Q and A’s, and all the Snake Diet TV episodes. I’m so happy I could introduce you to Cole, good luck homey! Happy fasting!


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Categories: overweight sedentary eating window weight loss holidays cardio mindset carbs one meal a day