| | Water Fasting

Supernatural Dry Fasting Experience

February-March 2020 I went on a 33 day dry/water fast. The first 4 days were dry and the rest of the days after that were distilled water and combination dry meaning I’d dry fast some days or drink barely any water -16oz every other day or so. By the end I was seeing water vapor in the air but at the time I did not know it. Knowing this now, confirms a lot. One morning I woke up and saw blood splatter. At this moment I realized someone died in my apartment before. I went downstairs to wash clothes in the basement and saw blood where my father died. My dad lived on the first floor above the basement, when he died he bled out through the floor and there was a puddle of blood in the basement. Not only did I see his blood but I saw other people blood that have died in this building too. One day when I was out walking to get more water at the store I noticed something in the air not steam, fog or dew it was literally water vapor. My frequency raised so much during my fast I was able to see water vapor in the air and anywhere that blood had been. Why is this important? I’ve always known there were metaphysical benefits to fasting and that fasting raises your vibration but I didn’t have much confirmation. I know for a fact when I fast I’m able to make both good or bad things happen (based on experience.) but other than that I didn’t notice anything else. According to my research water vapor is not visible to the human eye because we have evolved not to see it. So does this mean at one point we could see it? I believe I saw it, no scratch that I know I saw it when I was fasting as well as many other things. I was under 90 pounds and literally floating through life no cap. I wasn’t fasting to lose weight I was doing it for spiritual reasons but because I was already thin to begin with is why my weight got do low. Just a disclaimer 😉

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That’s amazing. How did you feel energetically? Emotionally? I’ve been extremely disconnected from myself and was wondering if a long dry fast could do something drastic - I need it. But I struggle with my willpower a lot. Any tips?


I do intermittent dry fasting in Ramdan for 30 days every year. Which is around 17-20 hours depending on the year. I just did a 24 hours dry fast and i started feeling things in my body like its healing some how. I have a cyst on my scalp and I feel like it reduced in size or maybe I’m just imagining it. Im going to do 48 hrs dry fast next weekend. My goal is to reach 5 days. I would never go more than that. I don’t want to lose alot of weight

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Categories: dry fasting water fast distilled water dry fast morning steam to fast lose weight struggle tips intermittent