| | Water Fasting

Sw 260 , gw 175 , cw 224 hitting plato looking for advice

I have been doing if since August lost 20 pounds by just doing if 16 - 8 no calorie count then hit a Plato. Went vegan and lost another 20 pounds but now it looks like weight loss is stuck between 220 - 226 fluctuate weekly been at this weight for about 15 days.

Still eating strictly vegan and im not counting calories or working out.

I think I answered my own question while I was writing this post . Looks like I need work out and count calories.

Any other advice you guys think I should incorporate let me know.


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Start counting calories and start working out.

Also buy a food scale! $15 at target, measure everything you eat. After a while you will get a natural sense of how many calories are in what. Like 100calories for; a single slice of bread, 1oz of cheese, 1 apple, 1 banana etc..


I threw in a longer fast last week after a few people advised that and it seems to have worked to break my plateau, which I’m thrilled about!

But yeah, if anything I’d count calories for a little bit just to get a sense of things (like you said). And even some light activity is better than nothing, like walking is amazing if that’s possible for you.

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Categories: weight loss calories working out tea