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Switching to OMAD

I currently do 18:6 but would like to switch to omad for the simplicity and not having to worry about eating to many meals or snacks during my eating window but i work a pretty physical job and find it hard to make it the 18 hours somedays. Just wondering if you all have any tips for getting through till just one meal a day. Thanks

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It took some getting used to, but I’m a huge fan of OMAD. The biggest hurdle is the mentality of habitual meals- it just takes time, discipline and consistency. Tell yourself, “Not tonight. I’ll eat tomorrow” when you get a late night craving. After a couple of months, it’s just a way of life now. I eat for sustenance, and luckily I enjoy the few meals that I repeatedly eat. Some people are more strict and just do water fasting, but I find coffee and tea satiating. Otherwise, find things that take time to keep your mind off eating- art, video games, watching tv shows, etc…


If human eating needs were only about simplicity, I think everyone on the planet would only eat once a day. If you’re finding 18 hours difficult, switching to OMAD may be a bad idea and not sustainable.

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Categories: omad snack eating window tips one meal a day habit water fasting coffee tea