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T2 Diabetic, just started IF 16:8, looks promising..Query about Ketosis

Im 33M/5’5 SW 178, CW 170..8 pounds lost in 2 weeks post switching to a low carb diet and starting walks for 15 mins post each meal, without IF..

I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with dangerously high BS and an A1C of 11.1

First GP put me on Metformin 500 2x a day..In 2 weeks, I saw a very minor decline in BS but the meds were making me nauseous and were killing my appetite..

Went to a different GP who was enthusiastic about IF and cut my meds in half and advised that T2D is definitely reversible with IF and low carb diet..

So I just started IF 2 days ago and feel great..

In mere two days, daily BS are coming down to relatively acceptable ranges of 140 to 200..

My query is regarding ketosis..I know that it’s different to DKA which I was apprised of when I was diagnosed, since my ketone level was quite high..

My question is, is there a chance of DKA when IF as well somehow? Because I’m scared of that..

I believe that when ketosis begins, I would get ketones in my blood sample/urine, but how do I know if it’s from Ketosis or DKA?

So sorry in advance if it’s a foolish or stupid question, but i’m trying to learn and be as vigilant about this stuff as possible..

Thanks in advance..

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DKA is rare in type 2 diabetics because we do still create insulin in our bodies.

I’ve been t2 diabetic for over ten years. One year ago I started keto diet and then IF….I went from A1c of 8 to 5.0 in one year. I’m off Actos, Lantus and Trulicity!

Just keep checking your blood sugars, watch how you feel and work with your doctor.

Good luck friend!


IF will definitely help, keto can have alot of it’s own drawbacks and challenges. IF/OMAD was much easier for me to follow, I’m off metformin, BP, among many other things. I’m happy to answer questions and share experiences if your interested and as you continue on your journey. Keto is a serious shock to your system, transitioning to 16:8 -> 19:5 -> 22:2 -> 23:1 etc is much easier and a smoother experience.

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Categories: ketosis low carb keto blood sugar omad