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Taking all the ingredients in snake juice EXCEPT the potassium via a gelatine capsule?

Right I am only on day two of snake juice and I can already tell its something I am not going to like long term. Being over 40% bf I am in the fat fucker category so will need to sometimes fast upto 7 days. Because of this I think making taking your electrolytes as easy as possible is kind of a MUST! now I have done reddit research on these matters and from what I can gather its the POTASSIUM in the snake juice that cannot be put into a capsule. So since I have a fat load of potassium I just put into 2l of water just the potassium and tasted it. It still kinda tasted salty but then I tried the original snake juice and its SIGNIFICANTLY saltier. It just made common sense to me that something that has 3 other salt products not in it is gonna taste less salty no? so anyway I have ordered some 00 sized pure gelatine capsules. I will be adding the mixture of the pink salt, baking soda and epsom salts to 4 capsules a day. I will ONLY be putting potassium in my actual snake juice. Yes its a shame it has to be in there but trust me its significantly less salty! everytime I had a capsule I will make sure to drink as much liquid as I would have if I was just drinking the snake juice straight. Even this webpage mentions that you just cant take potassium via capsules https://www.3010.fit/fasting/ thoughts anyone? I cant seem to find a single fault with my premesis just going on all the research ive done my method seems fine. To be honest since Cole necks his whole snake juice salt in one go I dont see why I couldnt take things a step further and just drink about 300ml of water with potassium in (remember its still not got all the other salts so how bad could it taste?) and either drink that in one go or drink in 100ml intervals throughout the day and chase with plain water?

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Do not… Repeat…. Do not take salt and potassium in gelcaps, especially on a fasted stomach. I did it for a year unfasted and had no problem but doing it on a fasted stomach I burned the hell out of my stomach lining and was in hellish pain for two weeks. Has to stop fasting and take Prilosec while chugging Pepto and antacid regretting every moment. Cole also did this and was in a ball in pain and did a video on it.

Mixing it with a glass of water doesn’t have that effect but that’s how you give yourself explosive diarrhea from the huge influx of salt. Just sip the snake juice so you don’t burn your stomach or shit your guts out and keep an equilibrium of electrolytes the whole time.


STOP MAKING SHIT MORE COMPLICATED. You can’t stand saltwater because YOU’RE WEAK.

Stop complaining, drink the saltwater THE WAY COLE EXPLAINS IT and get your results. Modifying it only makes you fail.


Can I just clear something up once and for all. I do NOT follow the snake diet and Cole because of his brash and vulgar branding. It does absolutely NOTHING for me to be called a fat cunt etc! I do the diet for one very SIMPLE reason! it bloody works! I respect and admire Cole very much for the fact he helps people for free, doesnt sell an array of expensive products and even the product he does sell he still tells people how to make a version of it themselves. I completely understand why people buy the packs off him just to support him. BUT thats where my respect for him ends. I too tell it how it is etc and definitely am not afraid of the truth but you dont call people stupid and idiots for following your earlier advice than you then tweak and realise YOU were wrong so you dont get to call the amases stupid. But again BRANDING. Cole is very passionate and shock value works! and Ive seen him talking normally and hes always got his arm around people including fatties so I know hes actually a pretty great guy! So anyway to anyone that thinks its big and clever to call people weak on here, stupid or crazy (referring to some stupid bigot on my trial and error posts) I was NOT posting on those to ask your permission I did so to ask the question if anyone had any ACTUAL experience or scientific reasoning as to why you cannot do those kinds of things. You know something constructive! Cole himself says over and over try things out, experiment. Thats exactly what he does! He is no more a professional than any of us. Yes he has more knowledge and experience but how did he obtain it? ONLINE RESEARCH something we all have access to! So if you want to comment on my stuff with USELESS comments than Id rather wish you didnt! peace

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Categories: potassium electrolytes pink salt baking soda a fast stomach pain shit weak