| | Water Fasting

talk to an expert, yeah but who?

I always read i need to do this with supervision of an expert / doctor. But where do you find these people? i cant find any certified doctors who specialize in this. I live in Belgium, maybe it is not so popular here?


I could ask my regular doctor but I doubt he will be supportive in this.

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I’ve never heard of a doctor that specalizes in fasting, except for a few online like Dr. Jason Fung. You GP is probably the best bet. If you’re nervous, try framing the question differently.

“Hey doc, if I were on a week long camping expedition and we ran out of food for, worst case, 3 days - would that put me at any serious risk?”

Something like that.


I wonder how many people here actually ask fasting advice from their doctor? Sure, if someone’s on meds that need adjusting then I can see that. But otherwise I’d bet it’s a fairly low percentage. Especially for those who are going for 48 -72 hours or less. I mean, I can’t recommend anything for you specifically, because I don’t know you, your habits, your health conditions, etc. If I needed medical advice regarding fasting it might be challenging to find a local doctor whose opinion I trust on the subject. I suppose I’d start with my primary care provider, but if that didn’t work, I’d check out an online fasting group like Dr. Fung’s.

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