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THC Consumption and Muscle Gains


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You answered your own question and you don’t need science at all. You do you and stay focused. Everything else is just distraction.

“For the most part (at least in my personal experience), THC makes me unmotivated, too lazy to cook meals, and makes me eat like shit. Hence why I quit in it’s entirety.”


Idk if this is “bro science “ but I’ve smoked daily for 15 years and been bodybuilding for 12. Before gym is probably a bad idea since it limits your intensity. But theres no way I would be able to eat the amount of food I do every day without it. Helps with pain relief, sleep, and mental health. I know several elite powerlifters and low level pro bodybuilder and they all smoke heavily.


Personal opinion: Right now I wouldn’t know how THC (if not smoked) would really interfere with building muscle/training other than on a sort of mental level + how it affects your sleep (schedule) maybe.

Do whatever makes you happy and I definitely won’t encourage anyone to smoke weed - I personally don’t - but if you have fun with it, there is pretty much no harm in doing it every once in a while. I´m assuming you´re no pro bodybuilder or something like that, so if you have the need to “use” weed once in a while, go for it.

I´m pretty religiously into bouldering but sometimes I´ll get shit-faced anyways. Do what makes you happy as long as it isn’t too stupid or affects other important parts of your life. And if being straight edge and sport are your main sources of happiness, then do that.

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