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The best foods/ The worst foods

Please name a handful of the foods that you believe to be the most healthy, and a handful of foods that are are the worst you can eat!! Thank you!

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I’m basing this off of my own personal diet, because I think you are just looking for a variety of answers?

good: eggs, fresh fruit, whole grain bread or oatmeal, greens like kale and spinach, and chicken breast.

bad: super processed candy specifically chocolate (I almost threw up after eating a reese’s bar thing the other day),

things that have added sugar that SHOULDN’T (I’m not insane about added sugar because I’m a teenager and I eat crap with my friends sometimes, but i’d never be caught dead drinking a sugary fast food smoothie when i can make one with just fruit at home).

fast food in general.

full sugar soda (probably could consider diet too but eh)

and lastly i’d say chips and all their variations. you don’t get full from them, and even if some bags aren’t high calorie the sodium content is still ridiculously high. there’s just no benefit to get from eating a bunch of chips. of course everything in moderation, not everything you eat has to be healthy.


Meat, potatoes, berries, eggs, fish. Throw in some veggies and I think no one could physically overeat without trying unless you get some super fatty meat or slather your potatoes in butter and oil. I think if you’re looking for the worst foods just go look for boxed foods in the store. My general rule is trying to stick to foods that have one ingredient. I know some people count calories religiously and fit some junk in here and there and when I’m trying to lose weight I do count cals. But when I’m just maintaining I stick to mostly those foods, and there’s enough variety I’m satisfied and don’t rlly lose or gain. Not to mention the nutrient density of them. You could live off meat alone, but I wouldn’t suggest it for the sake of your bowels lol


Most Dietitians will probably tell you that food are not good or bad, it’s the amount you eat of each that makes the difference. Everything in moderation. I think people try to over complicate eating well by sticking to certain foods they have heard will help or stay away from something you can still enjoy in smaller quantities.

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