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The 'Diet Soda' Question (sorry guys)

Hi all,

I’m new to 16:8, going to the home stretch of my first 7 days.

I just wanted to ask - there are so many conflicting answers on the net, does anyone have any insight on whether the OCCASIONAL (perhaps once every 2 weeks) zero calorie diet soda, is acceptable during your fasting window?

I’ve made many changes to my diet aside from the fasting - cutting out all unnecessary sugar. But I’ve always found a diet cola can occasionally give me the ‘sweet fix’ I’ve been missing. So I was just curious!

Many thanks for your help 😁

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Your going to get different answers. I’ve always found having my morning diet Mountain Dew helps keep me on track so I do it.

I’m fasting for weight loss so it doesn’t matter to me that I am technically putting something in my body even thought it has zero calories.

I just stick to the calorie count. If it is zero, I’m fine with it.


Drinking diet soda makes me less hungry and I enjoy drinking it. I have never noticed any negative effect, nor have I noticed any benefits when not drinking it.

Whether diet soda affects your personal fasting experience is probably dependent on two things:

  1. Your body’s response to artificial sweeteners, which is individual — your experience and mine may be different.
  2. Which sweetener is in your beverage of choice. Different sweeteners will have different effects on your body.

Fasting is not a religion. Do what works for you personally.


Some folks will say no, some say yes, and some say it depends on the sweeteners. I’ve seen one poster who had amazing success and was still apparently chugging Pepsi Max. I myself have had better success cutting them out of fasting window because I found they were making me hungry.


A friend of mine has dropped about 60lbs over the last year doing IF. He basically drank Diet Coke or Zevia the whole time.

I’ve only just started IF… and had the same question you did. I asked him if he thought it was okay, and he said “yes”. I responded with some (recently read) science and said “It depends on who you ask, I guess”… to which, he replied…

“Ask the guy who just lost 60lbs while drinking diet soda.”


I drink diet Snapple iced tea for the same reason. I seem to be doing okay with losing weight.

For me this only works when you stick to it, if that means drinking a diet soda or tea To take the edge off I am all for it.


I am very strict about only ice water, black tea and black coffee during my fast window but only because i find diet soda makes me hungry. I believe its fine for others and wont affect your fast. I drink 1-2 diet cokes everyday during my feeding window though and i love it


Well the pandemic was not good for me. I fell off course over the last two years, just getting back to the gym and self care.

That being said, when I was full keto and IF, I lost 60lb in about a year while powerlifting and gaining strength. It was working great. I went from 264lb to 198lb and could bench press 315lb x 2. This was at 43 years old.


Recovering Diet Coke addict here. I cut out diet soda for two months initially and only drank black coffee, tea and water (sometimes carbonated). I randomly decided to have a Diet Coke during my window a few weeks ago and it was nasty! I couldn’t even finish it. I also cut out all sugar and went low carb. Now I just drink Perrier or San Pellegrino when I want some bubbles.

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Categories: soda sugar morning fasting for weight loss calories tea losing weight coffee keto recover low carb