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The pooping, oh god, the pooping!

Hi Team,

I’ve been doing IF for a while now and found it really is my favorite way to lose weight and feel healthy. My routine for the past 4 months has been essentially OMAD(dinner) but sometimes I’ll have a small lunch at the beginning of my window or a snack towards the end. I’ve also added a fiber drink as a lunch replacement. In any case, I’ve lost about 5 pounds a month with this and light exercise.

Doing OMAD really makes me think about what I’m eating and I try to eat healthy. Lots of veggies and I avoid sugar and carbs if they aren’t necessary for the meal.

My poops have been amazing. Between the fiber I get from the drinks(psyllium husk) and the fiber from the veggies I’ve been dropping one massive, but clean and easy, fudge dragon every day like clockwork. I love it. But I never really gave it its due. Until now.

I spent the weekend eating and drinking garbage. Cakes and cookies and candy and roasts and fries and soda and beer and cheeses and noodles and on and on… I felt bad before for “ruining” my diet but at the same time told myself its one weekend, you’ll be back to OMAD tomorrow and I’ve earned it!

Well, I write this as I squeeze out the third set of pure concentrated evil thats been coming out of me just today. Its either pure liquid or a mix of play doh type substance. And I’ve had to wipe so much. Wasted so much TP and my bhole is starting to get raw. And it never feels like I’m actually done. Every time is a disgusting, frustrating, and painful(not so much I need a doctor, but maybe a priest) experience.

And the scale says I put on some pounds.

I don’t think I can ever go back to normal eating habits. My butthole will never forgive me.

Drink your water, eat your fiber, and good fasting(and pooping) to you all.

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Doesn’t help with the IF so much, but overall two things. Squatty potty and a bidet. For those times when you can’t help but have some gnarly poops. Saves the b-hole, and the TP. Squatty potty helps it all exit in one sitting. Haha.


What psyllium fiber are you using during fasting that’s not breaking fast? I’ve been looking for awhile for something similar but they usually have too much sugar/sugar substitute for my preference and would break most fasts


Yep same issue here even though I couldn’t go “All in” but ate enough bad food (2 days) to be in the toilet 3x a dayAlso, lactose and gluten intolerant which didn’t helpWent back to my normal IF pattern yesterday and already feel better


Have you managed to make the psyllium taste better or less unpleasant? I really liked its effects but couldn’t get past the texture and taste. I just chugged it and would chase with literally anything else to get the rid of the taste but eventually just gave it up.


> Wasted so much TP and my bhole is starting to get raw.

Times like that, I’m glad I work from home and can just take a quick shower. Feels much better.

>I spent the weekend eating and drinking garbage.

I’ve not been checking the scale for the last two weeks. I’ve been ‘relatively’ out of control due to gifts of candy. Oh gods the candy. I could turn it down or give it to someone else, but it’s MINE! I’m eating it!

Gods. This is why I don’t buy junk food.

At least in another week, after the first of the year, I won’t be seeing a lot of candy in the house again. For a while anyway.


I LOLed on your post but have to point out that you said you can never go back to normal eating again - that wasnt normal! People shouldn’t be eating like that anyway. Good for you for realizing IF and the health foods you are eating is the way.


I’m trying to get back into OMAD with a minor daily exercise routine of swimming, what kinds of foods do you eat with your meals? So far I’ve been cutting back on breads and dairy and cold turkeyed soda


I started putting flax seeds and chia seeds in my porridge - mainly to help reduce my cholesterol - but they had the same effect on me. Never so often has the plunger been used in our house! Now I’m banned from using one of the bathrooms altogether.


You didn’t put on weight in that short a timeframe. Your body replenished it’s Glycogen stores and in turn is holding extra water. Once you deplete the glycogen over the coming couple days fasting you will drop the water too


YeAH fudge dragon!! IF helped and then I realized I had mild IBS and went on low fodmap - came out of the bathroom and was looking at complete strangers saying ‘this is what it’s like for normal people?!?’ Crazy! People must’ve thought I was reenacting WWF and/or sleeping for my bathroom break. Now I school them fully with all details :)


Maybe you’re being too strict with your diet to the point where you feel like you want to quit. If OMAD is not something you keep as a lifestyle, it’s too strict. Opening up your window to 18:6 or scheduling cheat meals might help get you through dieting.


>the fiber I get from the drinks(psyllium husk)

That’s why you’re shitting regular.

>pure liquid

You have a bit of gastroenteritis from one of your things you ate. It’s not because you paused IF.


Speaking of weekend, I was really strict for my first 50lbs, thereafter i did allow myself to eat out over the weekend (still no sweet beverage nor high carbs). Progress was slowed down by two months as per my targets (but most probably just due to high sodium food outside which will subside if i stick back to strict weekend) but I told myself not to be too harsh to myself, so it’s all good.


I suffer from the issue you are having where it seems that no matter how much you wipe there’s always more. The answer to this is dude wipes. Its like the soda and fat make the poo more dried sticky mud that’s hard to get off but dude wipes seems to get it off easy and with way less pain

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Categories: poop tea lose weight omad dinner lunch snack fiber sugar carbs soda beer pain habits breaking fast oil bathroom sleep shit sodium