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There is so much negativity on twitter about dry fasting?

I searched about dry fasting on twitter to see people’s experience. But all I saw was hundreds of tweets being negative about dry fasting. They say it’s dangerous… They say water fasting is better and dry fasting is useless and discouraging anyone from trying dry fasting. They say it is b*llsh*t. I am sad reading those tweets. Most recent tweets I saw were all negative. I just wanna know your opinion guys about this. I also wanna ask how long can I do dry fasting? What is the safest maximum dry fasting. 7 days? Of course I would not try that right away but still curious. I wanna do dry fasting for autophagy anyways. I wanna try 2 days of dry fasting..twice a week. I need more help and information. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I don’t really know why you’d even care about what people on twitter have to say. Focus on yourself and what you want to do.

I just finished a 4 days dry fast. I had two refeed meals and I’m still 5.5kg lighter.When I started my dry fast I had a horribly inflamed tooth and the gums around couldn’t be touched because of the terrible pain. After the 4 days it was totally normal, not any pain whatsoever.

Dry fasting is amazing. It heals pretty much anything and sheds the extra weight off. What more can you ask for?

About the length of a dry fast, I’ll say what this snake diet guy said once: stop worrying about getting hurt from fasting a crazy long amount of time. The majority of people won’t ever fast anywhere close to what would actually be needed to get hurt. Just start fasting.

I know you start of and you think that you will be that one guy that can dry fast for 7 days. It’s terribly unlikely.Why? Because it’s uncomfortable. You’ll get too warm or too cold. You’ll have some heart palpitations. Your heart rate will slow down massively. You’ll lose sleep. Your lips will be terribly dry. You’ll feel like fainting one day. Your throat will burn. You’ll smell bad from the induced ketosis. The list goes on.The point being that something will make you want to quit at a random moment and it won’t be 2 weeks in. Few people can dry fast for 4 days, even less for 7. Almost none can go above 10 days.

The first time I dry fasted in my life I told no one, just went at it. Don’t ask permission and don’t worry. Just try for yourself, see how you feel and what type of benefits you get. Again, focus on yourself.


Most people don’t even understand (and certainly haven’t tried) water fasting. For most people 24h without food is barely conceivable, and they think that if they don’t drink for 24h they will be on their death bed. So any advice or feedback from someone who feels they are dying from hunger if they skip a meal isn’t worth much.

I started fasting several years ago with 5:2–you eat normally for 5 days a week, and you eat 500 calories for 2 days a week. I was that person who thought that I would be weak, faint and unable to drive on 500 calories!

3-4 years later and I was doing ADF, not eating for 36h every other day.

Just over a year ago I tried my 7 day water fast. Then a 3 day dry fast. I’ve been fasting regularly since, combining DF with WF.

DF is an incredible tool. It is the type of stress on our bodies, that our bodies need to regroup and heal themselves.

Fasting, in general, becomes easier with regular practice. Each time it is like a new level of understanding.

Never mind “people on twitter.” I got permanently banned from r / fasting for just mentioning DF and a few other alternative fasting approaches. So even fasters can’t relate to DF.

Learn what you can from those who understand it and practice it. Try it. Start slow. If you are generally healthy, you have nothing to worry about. You probably have nothing to worry about even if you have health issues, as DF is practiced specifically for health reasons…but I won’t take this responsibility in such advice to a stranger on reddit. If you have health issues, consult about your health issues, preferably with other Dry Fasters who have the same health issues.

It is not recommended a beginner dry fast for longer than 5 days at home without supervision. My longest was 4 days, and I fasted 3DF a good dozen times. I want to do 4 again, and one day, I’d like to progress to 5. No rush. I’d love to do 11 as they do in the Filonov’s retreats, but I’d only do this in his retreat or similar.

Have fun learning.


google “dr filonov dry fasting” watch all the videos and read the book.

the read the phoenix protocol and watch the videos from that guy

then come here and read 100 threads

then you know exactly what to do.


Dry fasting was actually pretty easy. I did some working out in the sun, and was in 110 degree heat. Was I dehydrated? Yes. Was it horrible? Not at all. I haven’t had a chance to do multiday DFs. But people like talking out of their asses. Remember when keto was like satan incarnate? Now, there’s a multibillion dollar industry around it… -_-

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