| | Water Fasting

Things are a bit off ... in a good way

For the last several days things have been a bit off. Last week I decided it was time to increase my fasting time from 14hr to 15hr. I know a lot of you would say I should be doing at least 16 hours to make it count but honestly I know that would have been extreme for me. Most times I would go over 14 hrs anyway which is why I decided to increase it to 15hrs. I noticed almost an immediate difference in my energy level.

After starting IF last summer I haven’t really had energy or sleep issues but increasing it by just one hour has given me a boost I didn’t know I needed. I even focus better and my ability to procrastinate has taken a big hit. If it’s on the To-do list it’s more than likely getting done.

Just wanted to vent to a group who wouldn’t tell me I’m starving myself.

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This is how it usually happens. Burning fat during fast produces (or, better say, releases) so much energy that has been uselessly stored in your body; you get the boost and you get healthier at the same time, isn’t it truly wonderful?


Just going to add on that starting slow is the best way.I’ve heard several stories about people jumping head first into fasting and failing. All because they dived into way too deep waters - I know myself did.

I’ve never been able to keep up fasting going with something I’m not ready for. I started with 12 hours fasting, and slowly increased it when I felt that I was ready to challenge myself. Nowadays I do 19:5 without problems, and for the moment I’m doing alternate day fasts with 40:8 to kickstart the year. Do it your way and stop listening to everyone screaming that it’s not enough - hell, people say that I should fast for longer. But I’m doing me, and you should do you.

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Categories: energy sleep to fast alternate day