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This guy on reddit is trying to convince me that sugar is good. Thoughts?

That’s what he wrote:

“Basically yes. Eat whenever you feel like and until you’re satisfied.

Prioritize fructose from fruits and juice. Dairy products like milk, cheese etc. Coffee with plenty of sustenance i.e during a meal or with plenty of milk and sugar as caffeine depletes glycogen.

Ruminant meat. Gelatinous meats. Limit starches but clean sources are potatoes and rice. Use butter. Use coconut oil. Eat liver.

You can drink refined sucrose sources like Mexican coke or practically any real sugar soda provided you’re eating enough b vitamins from other sources.”

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I think you’re mischaracterizing him and you should reflect on that. It doesn’t sound like he’s “trying to convince you it’s good”, all he says is “you can drink these sugar sources”.

I still don’t agree with him as I still think sugar should ‘generally’ be avoided, but I think you may have jumped the gun a little with your interpretation.


Are we talking sugar wrapped in fiber, water, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals? Or are we talking about sugar that has been pureed, boiled, filtered, dried, and crystallized into pure inflammation? Sugar is not always sugar.

Are we talking about glucose, dextrose, and glycogen that our body makes for itself as energy? Are we talking about fructose which is processed by an entirely different metabolic pathway? Have we considered dose-dependent hormonal and metabolic effects?

If you want to understand sugar, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the work of Greger, Taubes, and Lustig.

The short answer is that ultra processed sugars like crystalline cane sugar and HFCS that are being ladled into places they don’t belong are uniquely damaging among common foodstuffs.

Exponential increases in per-capita intake of this kind of sugar might explain the majority of the lifestyle disease incidence increase from a couple generations ago. Dropping these sugars explains why I don’t need the dentist anymore.


Weird version of the usual “eat tons of butter, grass fed beef, and raw liver” types.

Fruit and vegetables are usually optional for these dudes so I’m really surprised to see this has morphed outside of “consume nothing but saturated fat rich foods” into “consume nothing but saturated fat and carb rich foods”. Basically how to die of heart disease.

It’s almost intentionally bad nutrition advice. You can 100% ignore this.


Fresh fruit are by and large very good for the body. Milk, cheese, meat, liver, carbs, butter everything should be eaten. But in limit. There are apps which helps in monitoring it. I always say bal diet is the best. A person at the least eats 3 medium size healthy meals a day. So diversifying it is the best.

As for coconut oil and butter. I guess he is saying saturated fats is good? The only thing bad is trans fat. The rest is needed if in low quantity


Going to start by saying I know nothing about nutrition. So be kind to my stupidity.

I don’t think the food on this list is bad, it just doesn’t list quantities.

Real sugar over artificial or corn syrup is properly better for you. But you can’t eat it all the time.

Coke with real sugar, yes it’s delicious but not everyday. I personally wouldn’t even have it every week. Also sugar in your coffee or tea all day everyday is a no from me.


Just ignore them. Added sugar is bad because most peoples bodies are not tuned for it. That means we tend to eat more than our body can safely process, especially when it’s in a dissolved liquid form. When that happens our body becomes damaged and overtime that accumulates to a severe extent, significantly impacting our health. Should you hate yourself if you have a slice of cake? No. Is it good to be aware that added sugar can make your life more challenging? Yes.


any synthetic sugar is bad. only good sugar is from sweet whole hydrated fruits i say this cause dried fruits is way harder to digest. would love to get to know you better to better navigate you on whats good and not based on your goals


All I can say is sugar is not evil. Some people just eat too much of it and struggle to control their eating habits.

Eating it in moderation is fine. You’re not gonna keel over and die from eating a slice of cake.


Sugar itself is not bad. As with most things, it’s the dose that makes the poison.

People have vilified sugar more because of their inability to regulate intake, rather than any problem with sugar itself.


They used to be called snake oil salesmen that would cure impotence to get some hair growing on ya noggin. Added sugar is bad. We didn’t evolve to need pure sugar. Sugar in fruits is ok in moderation, provided you eat the fruit not juice it stripping off fiber. Sugar with fried stuff is worse, refined flour and oxidized fat. The best advice I heard from a doc I trust is to think of anything sweet, no matter how healthy, as dessert and to eat it as a treat, as part of a balanced meal


Sugar is fine as long as you’re not eating too much of it, so probably a good idea to avoid eating too much added sugar however that isn’t a reason to not eat fruits or any other types of sugar naturally present in foods


Its only good if the sugar comes from eating a real whole piece of fruit. The brain needs that kind of sugar (glucose). Every other sugar is a health destroyer. If someone tells you different, it is because they have a stake in pushing their deadly garbage sugar.


Sugar is bad lol. It’s actually mildly addictive. Some could argue more than mildly. It leads to tooth decay, insulin resistance, gut flora destruction, early aging, gaining weight and so much more. Just be reasonable with your sugar intake.

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