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This is a noob question, but

I’ve been using an app to track my IF, and I have been doing this for a week. Is it okay to switch between 14-10 and 16-8, or should I stick to one? My partner sometimes works irregular hours, and so do I, so that sometimes makes me switch so we can have dinner together.

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It’s fine to switch it up.. You’re currently doing something like circadian fasting which mimics your body’s natural eating patterns. If you’re feeling good, should try for 17-18 hours on days you’re not having that early dinner. You most likely won’t lose a ton of weight long term unless pairing this circadian fast with a low carb/ketogenic diet though, but you will improve many of your key biomarkers. Most important thing when new is to force your body away from carbohydrates so your body has to learn to start using fat for fuel.

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