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This was going to be a fat soluble vitamin question but...

Ok, let me throw in the vitamin question first; I take vitamin D because in the Alaska winter I can spend my entire work week without seeing sunlight; I go to work in the dark and if I don’t step out during the day it is dark by the time I get out. In the weekend during the solstice I may see the sun for 6 hours, and that is if it is not cloudy. Vitamin D is fat soluble, recommended to be taken with fat. During my eating times I may skip breakfast but I take 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil. Is that enough fat for vitamin D in pill form absorption?

Then the question became: would a straight tablespoon of flaxseed oil affects fasting? I’m currently doing 4-day fasts to improve health markers (and I’m not gonna lie, my fat ass) and while the worst of the winter is over and I’m fine supplementing flaxseed during eating windows, I was hoping somebody could point me to a study of the effects of straight fat on the benefits of longish fasts?

To contextualize the question I’m talking 4 day fasts, the effects on autophagy, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil has 120 calories, and it has no impact on fasting blood serum glucose, insulin or HbA1c levels.

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You would be fine doing this so don’t worry. I would recommend getting your D levels measured to give you a better idea of supplemental dose. I’d also recommend testing in the summer to see if you need a top up.


Obligatory NOT A DOCTOR AND THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL ADVICE. I believe that Vitamin D3 and magnesium are what assist is the absorption of D. I assume you’re taking liposomal vitamin D3, right? The point behind it being fat soluble is that is can easily enter your cells. You shouldn’t need to take flaxseed oil with it, although I’m sure it doesn’t hurt.

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Categories: vitamin oil eating window 4 day fast calories glucose magnesium