I have seen a 7 days water fasting post, and someone said he lost 7kg but gained everything back.
Please apply in your comment:
- Time fasted
- Age
- Height
- Starting weight
- Close weight
- Weight after a while (mention how many days)
Thank you!
Water with electrolytes, magnesium glycinate supplements, zinc supplements and dill pickle spear whenever I started to have a headache
- Time fasted 96hrs
- Age 34
- Height 5’ 7”
- Starting weight 241
- Close weight 233
- 230, 4 days afterwards bc I rolled into a 72hr fast
GW: 200 by May
I know adding in the pickles is not truly water fasting but for me, the magnesium and pickles are what I need to consistently do long fasts in the beginning. I hope to not need them after a few weeks.
You have to understand that you won’t gain anything back if you actually follow a diet afterwards, if you’re going to overeat like a pig you can fast for a 100 days, even lose 40 kg and gain it all back within a month.
I know of about 6 people that have hit the ground without a parachute and survived. Somebody that fasted 7 days and it was all water? I guess it is possible.
.5 pounds of actual weight loss a day is a reasonable expectation. Beyond that there are a ton of variables so you’ll have to do it and see how you and your specific protocol pan out.