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Thoughts are on stevia and insulin response??

Extended faster here

So I’ve looked a few studies that seem to provide conflicting evidence. I guess I’m looking for some armchair experts on the subject.

Conflicting evidence being: one says stevia has a larger insulin response than sugar. Other one says insulin response is negative.

Curious on how it might make someone feel on an extended fast. And I’d hate to slow down my rate of fat burn.

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Personally, I don’t find either to be necessary, fasting or not. Part of the process is exercising restraint, hopefully resulting in better choices when not fasting, like avoiding sugar and substitutes.


I just did my first 3 day fast. Watched the video below first, recommending low carb diet before fasting. I already eat low carb and intermediate fast daily so figured it would be no big deal. Day 1: headache (I get pressure headaches if I don’t sleep and that is what it felt like), day 2 and 3 felt fine, no dizziness or anything other than the want to eat because it’s what I’m used to doing, not because I was hungry. Drank black coffee/green tea/electrolyte water & a pinch or two salt each day. Good luck;);)https://youtu.be/RuOvn4UqznU


Some of the sugar alcohols create an glucose response (malitol is horrible for this), but Stevia has a glycemic index of zero. You should be good to go unless you’re overly sensitive.

About 15% of sucralose does get absorbed by the body, so that another one you may want to stay away from.



Speaking from the perspective of my own personal experience, I dived into IF approximately 4 years ago for around 3 months duration - not so much for weight loss more about inflammatory issues. At the time I was using stevia as a substitute in my black coffee during the day. I usually drink up to 6 cups a day. I did lose weight- but not much & not a lot from the measurements either.

Fast forward to my second IF journey which started on 1st August- this time without stevia- just straight black coffee, up to 6 cups a day. Although I’ve not lost much weight at this time, my body measurements have decreased significantly, even after just 3 weeks. I read the delay don’t deny book - she talks about stevia specifically, which is why I have gone stevia free on this IF trip.

I’m doing OMAD & daily fasts between 19-24 hours every day. I’m looking forward to hopefully experiencing some significant weight loss next month once my body has reduced in size.

Just go with what ever is going to support you on your journey & don’t become too confused with the various opinions on the topic. Good luck on your journey to becoming a healthier you!


From what I’ve read, it depends on the individual. It does for me because if I have anything with Stevia while fasting, my hunger spikes shortly afterward. However, I am severely insulin resistant.

Also be sure to check the ingredients for the Stevia you’re using because some have additives that most definitely spike insulin.


Stevia doesn’t influence insulin, you can’t eat enough for it to land on the glycaemic index.

Source: I am a zero carb T1 diabetic. Pretty well versed in what actually requires insulin, such as protein and various keto sweeteners. Stevia is safe in terms of not requiring insulin.


The limited info I’ve read is that anything sweet, whether it has calories or not will cause an insulin response. Brushing your teeth with toothpaste… you don’t even have to ingest it, it’s in your mouth. But unless you’re getting blood work done concurrently with your stevia use, how much idk. It’s probably a very small transitory spike, you haven’t wrecked your metabolism..

Are you trying to keep insulin down for fat loss, autophagy, staying in ketosis, a fasting purist? What’s the motivation for your fasts? If a lil calorie free sweetener helps you, why not. I avoid anything sweet, mostly water, sometimes green tea. Black Coffee only if I’m working the night shift and need to stay awake. But even coffee causes a dis-regulation of metabolism and messes with insulin as well.

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