| | Water Fasting

TIFU (sort of) by getting ahead of myself

I got so excited by the noticeable, measurable progress and getting within 10 lbs of my GW, that 2 peculiar mental twists snuck in: 1) I should celebrate by being more lax and eating junk food; and 2) I should push to lose the 10, like, this week.

I have to constantly remind myself that I’m working for sustainable change and healthy habits, which take time, and to not overdo it on the binge or the fast.

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Try not to reward success with food. You’ve done brilliant by getting this far so 100% deserve to treat yourself to something that you are interested in but. I’ve been listening to podcasts about stuff like this and they all say how bad eating habits can stem from rewarding behaviour with food. Keep going you are almost there !


I have a bad habit of “rewarding” myself, when I get close to or reach a diet goal, by eating a bunch of crap food. In my mind I believe I deserve to do thus, I have earned it. The reality is that when I do this it makes me mentally, emotionally, and physically upset.

Stick to your plan!

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Categories: habits binge reward bad habit