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Tip regarding morning medications requiring food

I’m sure this is not a new concept for people here, but I made a recent discovery which has totally worked and I want to share it.

I have to take a medication every 12 hours which requires at least 10g of fat with it. For years I assumed this meant I could never do intermittent fasting. Only recently did I realize I could experiment a little with MCT oil.

Purists might say that MCT oil breaks a fast, and they’re technically correct. However, I’ve discovered that due to its unique characteristics, especially that it doesn’t require bile or pancreatic enzymes to be absorbed through the small intestine, it might not stimulate the digestion all that much if I need to take it with my morning medication, thus will not kick me out of ketosis.

Well, it seems to work. It doesn’t drop my ketone production (actually, it can increase it) and it doesn’t make me hungry (which other fats seem to do, like butter or nut butter). Most importantly of all, my medication seems to still work.

I take 1 tbsp of MCT oil in the morning with my decaf black coffee and medication. So far so good. I’m so glad this has enabled me to engage in I.F. because it’s been very effective for my fat loss goal. Simple calorie deficit had stopped working, but when I added in IF, I allowed myself to eat more, which sped up my metabolism, which led to more fat loss. Yay!

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I’m so glad you found something that works! Unfortunately my meds make me extremely nauseous if I don’t take them with a full meal, but I’ve found the eat, stop, eat method to be effective. I know it’s not the best way to do IF, but I can’t exactly change my med schedule so it’s the best I’ve got

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