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Tips/Advice on working in longer fast while doing OMAD

I have been doing OMAD about 6 weeks. I hit a bit of a wall. With the holidays coming up my work life is getting more hectic so adding more scheduled exercise is not quite in the cards for me at this time. I thought throwing some longer fast might help me break through and start losing again.

I really like my current set up. I just come home from work and eat dinner with my family so it is a very loose 20-24 hour fast. I don’t even really feel hungry when I break my fast most of the time, I just kinda know I have to eat and dinner with the fam is nice.

I thought about maybe skipping dinner like one or two nights a week to get a maybe 40 to 48 hour fast into my routine. I haven’t really seen much about people doing OMAD and then a full day fast. Is it cool to do like a 20ish hour fast eat a meal and then do a 40ish hour fast directly after? Would it be better to just scrap OMAD and try one of the weekly schedules? I feel like I would find it difficult to try to eat more than once a day with my schedule and his my hunger is just kinda gone.

Any advice is welcome, I am still pretty new to all this. My BMI is still severely obese so I have plenty of fat on reserve.

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6 weeks should be enough to adjust, so just replace a dinner once with a salty broth (just for electrolytes) and see how it goes.
But keep in mind that you are playing a long game and sustainability is the key.

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