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Tips for 31 day fast?

Plan on living on snake juice all of July 20 M 5’10 SW:215 CW:181 GW:160 longest fast so far 4days.

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Mmm. Doc supervision.The longer you fast the Easyer it is to run into “wtf” is this complications in my opinion.

Even rolling 4 day fasts is more forgiving. That’s why rolling 72s is the standard. It’s more than enough, but just short of too much. So you can do it continuously. At 215 and 5”10 you’ll shed fat like no other with rolling 72s. that’s like 10 cycles s month. Which is? 20 fasted days. 10 short of 30. 2 more weeks an you’ll have 30 fasted days under your belt.So in 44 days you can get 30 fasted days. AND you can just keep going if you want. I was 210 this month. One 72 a weekend. four 72s this month. Dropped 10 pounds. I’m 5”9. With me luck, I want to bust out rolling 72s this months. My goal weight is 160 or until I go, oh shit I’m lean AF in the mirror, then I’ll bulk by X amount of calories 6 days a week, meal preppin an do one 48 hour fast a week to stay lean. I want to bulk by 500 a day, see if I can negate fat gain with one 48 hour fast a week but keep the strength and energy from surplus food. Somethin like, eat up till Friday night, fast Saturday, start eating again Sunday morning. Gym time mon-fri. So gives me a whole day to recover from fasting.

Drink 2L snake juice daily on fast. Trust me, drink the whole 2L. Not some, all of it. Lol. I can LITERALLY feel my body get dehydrated if I drink sodas or similar stuff now. Even a diet soda I’m like, bro I’m withering away I need some salt water. BOOMZ INSTANT feel better.I do drink regular water though. Taste better. Lol.

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