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Tips for beginners struggles

Background/ context— 38 F 170lbs for 6 months now. 6 months before that was 150 range. Pandemic took its toll on me for sure. I have done IF before (18:6) with good results (before pandemic) but I was at around 140. Health problems made the weight come back from 130 progress ( from 140) to now 170. Health problems since resolved.

Here’s the question — For some reason getting into the habit this time is a struggle to say the least. I am doing 18:6. Any tips for struggling in the beginning. Apps used tips Etc
I used to do 18:6 before but this time nothing at all. I go for at best 5 days and then I mess up.

Any tips and tricks - any and all - welcome. Sorry if it’s dumb. I’m just so so sick of what I look like and feel like. Please be nice :)

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I can only speak for myself but I’ve always found that I struggle to maintain control over my diet if my sleep and exercise are also lacking. I also find the first few days are always harder, especially if I’ve been binging on carbs.

As for tips, for me it’s about routine and building that routine slowly. Start with you morning routine, just writing about eating in the window but not worrying about what you actually eat, then after a week or so start easing the high sugar items out of your diet.

One other thing, I’ve heard that moving the eating signature around day to day confuses the body and has the same effect as jet lag, so consistency in the eating window is key I think.

I struggle too so take all my advice with a pinch of salt!!

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Categories: tips struggle habit struggling sick sleep binging carbs morning sugar eating window