| | Water Fasting

Tips for getting through the start?

I am hungry! This first starting bit of time is so hard for me and I am hoping for some ideas to get through to where it’s not such a struggle.

I already drink 120 oz of water so I have that covered. I live in Arizona so water is already a habit out here. And yes, sometimes more or less, but I have a giant bottle so I know I need to finish it about 3 times

Thank you for any thoughts!

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Eating low carb helped me. The idea is if you’re adapted to using fat as fuel the body doesn’t much care if it’s the fat from a meal or the 350,000 calories of fat you have stored around your belly. If you don’t eat then it turns to that body fat that is designed to replace meals.

But the first week or two you just have to get through. There’s nothing wrong with taking small steps. So if you want to get to 18:6 then maybe start at 12:12 or whatever you can do. Then just move that back an hour or two at a time as you adapt.


The first 5 hours is always the hardest for me. As others have said, water is good. Also taking dinner as my last meal and get to bed little earlier to head off those early fast grumblies.

Edit: fixed a typo that made comment indecipherable


I was never able to do a later eating window, so I actually skip dinner. Also, I never can do fasting if I am eating sugar, desserts, or anything sweet like Diet Coke during my eating window. Cut that stuff out and you might be able to fast for longer.


water, lots of water.

coffee if its the morning. As long as you don’t put sugar/syrup in, you’re fine. There’s hardcore people who say no cream, but honestly the difference between ketosis and full autophagy is grossly overrated. Autophagy doesn’t stop just because you throw 4 grams of fat into your coffee (read: typical half and half)

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