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Tips for muscle building while fasting?

Wondering if fasting will affect my muscle gains or of anyone has any experience with this.

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It took me a good 6 months, of 18/6 or 20/4 I.Fing to get fat adapted enough to not bonk during workouts. Here is what has worked for me… supplement with electrolytes, creatine HCL (not monohydrate), Acetyl L-Carnitine, and HMB. When in your eating window supplement with 24g of collagen + 2g of taurine.
After 3-4 months into it, get a vitamin+mineral panel done to see what you are deficient in. The body using fat for fuel has a different pathway and different vitamins and minerals to make it effective.


Best approach I’ve found in my case is to go to around 48 hours to get growth hormones boosted, then do a workout and really push it, then about an hour post-workout, break the fast with a good amount of protein and fat


If you do rolling \~48s with meaningful refeeds (I was trying to hit \~5k cals on my refeed) to refuel your workouts, you should find that you can get into 2-3 workouts like this a week and keep that up without issue and see good results in time. And you can still do workouts the other days, too, but personally, I think the recovery did a lot of work, too


I don’t do this anymore since getting sick but if I ever get well enough to do heavy workouts again, I’ll be trading OMAD back in for this. Give it a shot for a while and see if it works for you. Good luck and my advice is only based on personal experience


As far as I understand fasting doesn’t make you lose much muscle, but it is near impossible to build it during a fast.

If is what I have been doing for years, and it is easy to build muscle with it as long as the protein is there. I would recommend not doing omad as I have found better results giving myself a time period between protein intake


I think the ideal way is to lift weights or do whatever strength training at the end of your fast, and eat a protein heavy meal. Even better if it’s at night and you can sleep within a few hours of eating.


Protein Dawg - Your body needs protein… not saying it’s unhealthy to workout during a fast but why deprive your body of essential nutrients and don’t argue taking supplements is shit. They shouldn’t be mixed together pick one or the other.


Protein protein protein then some fiber to help shit it out. I do Omad and 5 days of heavy calisthenics a week. As long as you are giving your body the building blocks it will know what to do with them.

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