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Tips for my first 16 hour fast

Hi! Just looking for tips other than “hydrate” on how to get through a fast while being awake most of the time. Wanting to avoid feeling sick to my stomach which happens sometimes. I have successfully done 3 14 hour fasts and it’s not so bad except the yucky stomach feeling between like hours 9-12.

Going to be a bit tricky because I’m working an overnight and won’t get to sleep until the last three hours of my fast. So 13 hours awake and at work. I had a high protein meal before my fast.

Any tips on succeeding?

*Disclaimer in case people check my post history the way they like to do…I am in recovery for BED and my nutritionist and therapist have both approved me “trying out” intermittent fasting as long as I am keeping a journal of my physical and mental well-being throughout and reach out to my support network if needed

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Hot tea helps me quite a bit. I have a ginger and lemon tea that is best for settling stomach. Also something about it being hot liquid tricks my stomach in to thinking it was more than it was (I think.)


I do 16+ hour fasts on a daily basis but I’ve been doing IF for many years (before it was called IF lol) (I’ve never been a breakfast eater.). My recommendation is to drink coffee with heavy cream, unsalted butter, or coconut oil. Also, keep busy to keep your mind off of eating. I know, easier said that done.

In general my meals are Mediterranean style with healthy fats (olive oil, feta cheese, olives, nuts and seeds). If I skimp on fat, in a few hours I can get queasy and/or want to snack.

Btw, when I combine keto + IF, my appetite shrinks. I only want OMAD which is lunch (I love having a big salad along with fruit and cottage cheese etc). I will have some nuts or olives a few hours later and a couple of squares of dark chocolate.



….Isn’t 16 hours fasting normal?? Sorry, I don’t understand how anyone can think that is hard to do.. Even if you eat 3 meals a day, breakfast at 9am, lunch at noon, dinner at 5pm.. That’s a 16 hour window between meals? What am I missing here?

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