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Tips to sustain willpower/motivation?

Hey guys! Wondering if anyone has any tips on how to keep fasting when you want to quit in a moment of weakness that’s purely mental - not physical?

I try to distract myself with reading, walking, watching tv, etc. and also think positive thoughts but just wanted to see if anyone had any different tactics or thoughts on how to keep going when you start to hit a mental block. Thanks!!

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your brain tend to think of things related to what you last thought about, so ban thinking about food, because the next 10 thoughts will all also be about food, and once that train starts moving, it takes a long time to stop again, and you get on edge almost nervous wanting to eat food. Your brain will try to come up with ingenious reasons to think about food because it is nudging you to eat - suddenly you are ‘researching’ cooking equipment, ‘intersting food’, recipes, etc

If you do quit a fast, notice what went wrong? were you thinking about food for an hour before or what happened and how can you fix that next time

also ‘expect’ and think about what it means to expect to be ‘super good’ at fasting, like you were already an expert, and pretend to be that - act like that person would act.

Also imagine you are on a much longer fast than you really are to get your brain ‘used’ to expecting to be on a much longer time scale and not reacting. Eg. you fast 4 days, you imagine it is 20 days while you do the 4 days.

Distraction is key tho to succeding, as you point out, you need to be ‘doing something’.

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