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TMI:Is It Normal to Stop Pooping (Much) When You Do a Prolonged Fast?

I mean, I am, kinda, but not like a full bowel movement. More… Liquid. I mean, there’s nothing to really digest, so it makes sense, but wouldn’t my body keep producing waste anyway? Maybe not like full on bowel movements but I’m on day 8 of my fast, and I haven’t stalled. I’m still going down .2 lbs at a time, but not by much. The weight loss isn’t as dramatic now.

Is it time to stop my fast and have some bone broth before working my way back up to food, or is there something that I need to be doing?

I feel fabulous! I’m taking my electrolytes, and I’m sleeping better (and less). My skin is clearer, and my hair is so soft (coconut oil ftw). I have SO much energy, and my chronic pain is easing off so much without any pharmaceutical help. Without having to focus on eating, I have so much more time to do self-care and get other things done, and the weightloss has been wonderful.

I had/have a high SW, so I’m not really worried about my body not having something to exist on. I just want to make sure I’m still on track, and if this is the time to stop, or if it’s just a normal lull. The weight loss is a big part of it, but the side benefits of feeling better and having so much more energy is so amazing!

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You wouldn’t stop pooping completely because poop isn’t just food in/food out. A good 30% of your poop’s weight is bacteria and shed intestinal lining. Someone here said that refeeding syndrome can start in 48-72 hours post fast. You’d have to be very malnourished for that to pan out (and so I wouldn’t pay that much attention if you’re otherwise well fed), but it can start in 5-7 days in average risk people.


What would your body produce waste from, exactly?

Your kidneys are filtering water, so if you’re staying hydrated, then urine makes sense.

But what do you think solid waste is made from? It’s from the parts of food the body can’t use or digest. If you aren’t eating food, there’s nothing for the intestines to process?

And yes, if you’re on an extended fast, you need to ease back into eating solids. Refeeding syndrome can begin as early as 48-72 hours. Please read up on how to break an extended fast safely.


Yeah. It’s fine. I did a 15 day with just salt water, and had bowel movements up until day 5, then it was kinda just goop (sorry) for about 3 days, then nothing for another 3 days, then somehow full bowel movements for 2 days, and nothing for the last 2 days. I believe this is a very individualized process depending on your anatomy, but that was my case and didn’t mind any of it. Doing rolling 72’s right now, trying to work my way up to a 7-day and maybe try the 15 day again. Won’t go longer than that. I freeze after 5 days lol.


So to start , this is very normal.

Your body will slough off some portion of gut microbiome, as you aren’t eating things to feed it (namely pre-biotic fibers eg inulin or green plaintain, raw potato). Your body also sheds red blood cells, which give poo its distinctive color (like all the food turns into the same thing, isn’t that curious?). Your body also relies on hormone feedback loops to regulate poop signals. So it isn’t uncommon for people to feel the need to go duece after eating. The hormones the drive hunger and satiation will also drive the myenteric plexus. So for regular eating folks they can expect a poo around 26hrs after eating, IF folks may fall into a rhythm close to 48hrs after eating, this is also highly dependent on what you ate and how much you got “left in the tank”. In the , to reiterate, what you are experiencing is very normal.

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