| | Water Fasting

TMI Question...

How do i stop pissing buckets of water out of my ass after eating for the first time in 48 hours.

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I’ve had this same thing happen to me. Usually goes away after a few days in my experience, but ymmv. Also would be helpful to find out what you ate.

As an example, any time I eat a salad with lettuce that stuff goes straight through me.


As I changed my meals after a fast around quite often, I can tell you anecdotally that carbs may be your problem. When I only had protein (does not even matter if it was beef, fish chicken or eggs) usually nothing happens-provided it is my first meal.If I ate with my family for example something fast with carbs (like Spagetti Carbonara, gnocchi with gorgonzola cheese sauce…) it is the runs around 40-60 minutes later every time. Also sweets like chocolate. Don’t break a fast with sweets, super dumb.

The mechanism might make sense as well. I believe carbs pull water into your gut during digestion, also fat makes everything more liquid before it gets bound by bile anyway, so if there there is nothing to catch that liquid, there you go.

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