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Tomorrow marks 2 weeks of IF. I celebrated with my first 20:4

Hi squad,

It’s unbelievable how much this change has done for my waistline and my mental health in only 2 weeks.

I have dropped 16lbs, purely from 16:8. But I chose to try a 20:4 between 6pm and 2pm. And now ironically, its the first time I’ve realy realised how much my hunger has saited in the morning.

It honestly felt effortless.

The results are clear and I understand why this is so popular now. I can’t wait to keep going.

I’d you’re reading this and thinking about it, feeling down and wanting to change…. or just wanting to be healthier!

Do it. Just do it.

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16 lbs in 2 weeks! That’s amazing progress. What do you typically eat in a day?

I just got 10 lbs down in about 1 month of OMAD. Pretty happy with that progress if I can keep it going across many many months :)


Wow this is amazing! It gives me hope. I’m doing OMAD to cut my sugar addiction and constant snacking. I’m on day 3 right now. When I did OMAD for 3 months (plus a couple of other fasts), I was able to lose 50lbs. I gained it back from pregnancy though. Keep it up!

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Categories: morning omad sugar snack