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Too Full Breaking Fast

Just did my first 24 hour fast, into an OMAD to break it and I still feel painfully full and uncomfortable and bloated 2 hours later. What did I do wrong? How do you break a 24 hour fast with OMAD and not feel like you massively binged? Thanks in advance for the tips and suggestions. I honestly wish I were still fasting at this point!

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I tried my first OMAD (2 days back to back) a few days ago and I sympathize with you. I ate a half a head of lettuce a tomato 2 slices of cheese and two cut up hamburger patties (honestly not more than I would often eat before I started 18/6 fasting a month ago. I felt so stuffed and uncomfortable 6 or 7 hours later. It was not a good feeling.


I had exactly this problem when I started. It turned out I ate foods that were just to heavy to break my fast.

I was breaking my fast with something heavy and it just sat in my stomach for hours - it felt like I swallowed a brick. This is indigestion.

Your stomach is in sleep mode, eat something light first, to ‘wake it up’ and get the juices flowing again. Wait about 15 minutes and then eat what you want.

This is what worked for me.


Are you drinking a lot of fluids with your meal? I feel extremely stuffed and uncomfortable when I drink one too many glasses of water/juice with the meal. So maybe try to space out your fluid consumption 30 mins before and 30 mins after your meal. I think this also gives the body a chance to digest the food more easily.


I’m somewhat having this problem too, I’m not eating carbs or sugars but raw & roasted veggies, leafy greens, lean protein (grilled chicken, turkey meatballs), eggs, cheese, nuts, berries.

I am so full I can’t get more than 900-1200 calories in


It seems you’re just not used to it.

I’ve been OMAD for 15 YEARS and I can eat a large or small plate of food without feeling bloated.

If I’m frank I find it strange that people eat more than one meal a day. It is wholly unnecessary unless you are in blue collar work.

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