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Transitioning OMAD to "normal" eating failure

Since October up to the 10th of January I did strict OMAD and often 3 to 4 day fasts, during that time I had gained so much discipline that even if I was sick (fever) I wouldn’t eat if it was not in my eating window, from the 10th I’ve been doing just normal – basically calorie counting. I have not gained weight, but my discipline is much much weaker now and I feel it slipping away from me.

I plan to start OMAD regiment again, but it’s so much tougher starting it back again. If anybody were to ask me now would I trade OMAD for eating whenever you want, snacking, etc, I would not trade it. It is essentially like trading freedom for chains.

It might sound too dramatic too, but that has been truly my experience. While yes, “normal” is much more fun cause you can have whatever you want, I don’t like it all, because all my discipline amounts to pretty much nothing now. Once I get back into the OMAD regiment, I am not going back.

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Calorie counting is a waste.

OMAD is working because it expands the “non-eating” timeframe. That gives your body a chance to lower insulin. That’s why fasting works.

So when you go away from OMAD, and back to a typical schedule of eating whenever, or simply 3 times or more a day, you lose the extended window of insulin reduction.

This is also why OMAD you can eat whatever the hell you want in that window, since that “eating” window is the least important part of the process. It’s the time in between.

You can totally live on OMAD the rest of your life if you’d like. And it’s great because you can free up time and stress from not counting calories like a fool.


Completely understand what you mean! I cheated and had breakfast a couple of times over the holidays and ended up feeling kind of “yucky” for the rest of the day. Hard to describe the feeling. I’ve been back on an early dinner OMAD schedule since then and feel great.


There are many ways to accomplish any task. Mentally it is not different. I love eating but I also enjoy my fasting times. Is like there is a silence inside me.

Don’t fight your fast. Let it become a place you want to visit and rest there. Heck try a 36hr schedule, you may just need a change of pace.


Do you mind if i ask why you decided to stop OMAD in the first place? Was fasting getting difficult for you or did you just feel comfortable to go back to normal eating? Or did you feel like you didnt need OMAD anymore? Its totally ok if you dont want to answer tho!


OMAD is my preferred method. I seem to be freakishly used to it. I just got back on my bike, so I may have to change things up a little and eat a couple of meals per day instead. Fasting does make eating smaller amounts of food much easier though.


Started OMAD today to free myself of this constant obsession with food whether it be eating it or not eating it. I’m down 70lbs with 10 to go and I refuse to spend the rest of my life dieting. I’d rather just eat what I want once a day and not think about it much. This post is super helpful and I just saved it to look back on. Thank you and good luck!


When I went back to “normal eating” I gained all the weight I lost, you definitely have to be careful…I’m back at it again and it’s A LOT harder! but won’t/ can’t go back to betraying my body again, we got this!

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