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Trick claimed to help defer a craving


  1. Focus inwards and sense the incoming craving deeply, as an inner void or vacuum.
  2. From it’s depth, imagine a black sun rising, filling you with warm endless energy, rising up until one with you.
  3. Feel the energy overflow and burst out shining on all things, as turning focus back outside.

Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk6iwf7VkVA&t=595s

Steps in detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk6iwf7VkVA&t=1710s

This is from psychologist Barry Michels’ talk at Google. He introduces as a sort of anti-psychology psychologist, which is probably why I even watched it all in the first place, as I am always skeptical of introspection-based solutions to practical/real problems. My experience: I found some positive effect, even the first time I tried. It is by no means a sure fire thing, more like tilting the odds a bit more in my favor towards pulling through on ‘bad’ days.

Trying my best to never have bad days in the first place, is still the backbone of how I do IF though. Thanks for reading.

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Thanks for sharing. This is likely a great tool to reset your mindset. I know I often want to eat when I’m stressed and have had to take a step back and ask myself if I’m really hungry I am going to try this!

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