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Trouble eating 180g of protein. Help

16:8 178lb 32m and been fasting for 5 months. I lift everyday with cardio sessions every other day. My problem is I haven’t been eating my proper protein intake. I struggle hitting the mark on daily basis.

How do you guys get your protein in during fasts such as 16:8/20:4 or OMAD?

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I can understand why it’s hard, since the amount is pretty high. Why is your mark 180g? You don’t need 1g per pound of body weight but if you want to follow that rule it’s basically for lean body mass. Which doesn’t include fat, water, bones etc. so it would be fewer grams of protein than your body weight.

I would aim for like 0.6-0.8g/lb if you use body weight. So 0.8 x 178 = 142 but that’s just my personal opinion and understanding, I’m not a professional.


I’m 16:8, 380lb 46M and have just started. My protein goal is 250g (weightloss obviously :-) ) and I understand your pain. I follow r/x3bar as well, and other groups. Fortagen seems to get really good reviews. Check it out. www.fortagen.com It’s IF friendly at 10cal a serving. Good luck!


My protein target is also 180 atm. I normally do 18:6, two meals roughly 5 hours apart. Each meal contains a lean protein source and I accompany each with a shake to make it easier to hit that target. Normally my shakes make up about 40% of my intake. I know it’s not necessarily optimal, but I don’t think I’d be able to stomach more than I do in that short a window.


I always found the calorie-efficient protein sources to be the most helpful when trying to hit a high protein intake. Egg whites, tuna (packaged in water), fat free yogurt (Fage), skinless chicken breast, and whey protein are some I frequent.


I have the same problem, but I have a calorie deficit instead of OMAD. I do fast 3 days a week, but I found seafood works well. I made the mistake of eating an entire can of 9 oz tuna (hello mercury poisoning) in one sitting but it made an awesome cheese burrito (low carb tortilla) and with tobasco sauce (an awesome tip from ketogains i believe) and it was delicious. Today I am having chicken crust pizza which usually meets my protein goal but I tend to lose control with it so I’m only eating half and supplementing the other protein with shrimp which is very low cal and no carb and very high protein.

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