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Trying 20 days dry-fast. Recording progress. Any suggestions from experienced Dry fasters?

Hello, I’m new to reddit and fasting in general.

I have done carnivore for a month, then keto for 15 days 2 meals a day, and omad for a week. I have been researching and watching videos about fasting and all it’s ramifications, also autophagy which is the most interesting to me.

At first I was skeptical, after it I was kind of afraid since I’m already pretty skinny and I’ve seen people practice this to lose weight fast. I still want to harvest the benefits of autophagy so I started to record my progress and created a youtube channel for the first time just to share my experience with you guys.


My goal is 20 days hard dry-fast IF possible. I will stop if I feel like Im feeling ill.

Here’s my youtube channel for anyone interested. Any suggestions and thoughts are much appreciated:

Thank you for accepting me in the community. If I have infringed and rules in posting this, I apologize in advance thank you again.

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I think the other claims you have seen of people dryfasting for 20 days are lies. Those are extra-ordinary claims; they require extra-ordinary evidence. The only evidence we ever get are podcasts or youtube videos, i.e. no evidence at all.

Live inside of a glass box like David Blain for 20 days without food and water and I’ll believe it. Otherwise, you’re probably a scam artist on the internet.

As for your attempt, be very careful. You are new to dryfasting so don’t go for the world record right away. Do this slowly (24-72 hour fasts) and build from there. Learn what feels right and what feels wrong. Give yourself a few months of practice before you shoot for such a long fast.


My sense is this is akin to saying you’ve just discovered weight lifting and are going to deadlift 600 lbs. Start small and work your way up, as dry fasting is unlike anything else. See how your body responds. One day, then three, then five … etc. Just my two cents. Good luck!

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