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Trying but failing

I’ve been trying for a few weeks to fast but I work in a bakery and have impulse control problems with food. If I see it I want it. I always fail with my fast because it’s so hard to resist the temptation but I always feel horribly disappointed in myself. Is there anything I can say to myself to build strength and resolve not to break my fast?

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Set your eating window during work hours.

The best way to make IF your normal eating habit is to make it easy. Once you have a good window in place then you can experiment with moving and/or shrinking it.

You can do it.


Oh wow, I honestly would eventually pivot into a different job. That is so hard!

I think I read a long time ago that people who watch cooking shows (and actually cook) struggle more with weight, etc. This seems analogous.

I wouldn’t beat yourself up…that sounds like a super-human challenge!


It’s a mindset and it’s hard, and is definitely harder when you work around food.

Many years ago, I worked in a bakery and it was tough. I told myself that I just could not eat the food that I was cooking/baking. It was work, that was it, it was off limits.

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