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Trying IF again

Hello , I am a 32 year old female, I’m currently 200 pounds , and I’m short , 5”2 , it’s very difficult to carry this weight with me , it makes it hard to move tbh . I am pretty active I work full time , but down side a fast food place, I have done IF b4 and did well , but after a heart break I fell of the wagon , but I wanna work on me and become the best version! My goal is 110 pounds . I would love tips on how to stay strong while working at McDonald’s lol I wanna do 16:8 lol

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I’m your same height and started 40lbs heavier. I’m down to 127 after like 15 months. Biggest tip is to count your calories! Don’t listen to the people that say calories don’t matter with IF, they are confused. Get a food scale and weigh everything you eat. Log it in an app. I use chronometer. Don’t be tempted to go below 1200 calories a day because you may lose your hair and mess up your period.

You can still eat McDonald’s occasionally, although I don’t recommend it because you won’t feel your best. Check out r/volumeeating for ways to bulk your meals up without adding tons of calories.

Fasting gets way easier. Don’t get discouraged if it feels hard in the beginning because your body really will adjust and it becomes second nature!

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