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Unbalanced diet


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> and it makes up for the somewhat bland meal

There is literally no reason for healthy food to be bland. I would love to hunt down the person who started this meme to force feed them some tasty healthy food.

Pick up any recipe book you like. Pick any recipe out of that book you like. Making that recipe healthy is often as simple as changing around proportions, sometimes subbing a few ingredients. Portion control is probably the easiest way to eat healthy.

I like cooking from Julia Child’s Art of French Cooking and many of her recipes will give you a heart attack merely looking at the ingredients list, I sub out the stuff I don’t want for stuff I don’t mind or like.

> crock pot, so it’s easy to prepare

If you meal prep on the weekends then preparing dinner is throwing it in the microwave :) Can also sous vide so preparing dinner is pressing a button and throwing some bags from the freezer in to the bath.

> Does anyone have any ideas for what I could make her, that would still be very nutritious and maybe have less carbs (if that’s what she wants)?

https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Mediterranean-Cookbook-Vibrant-Kitchen-Tested/dp/1940352649 This is organized in to different sub-meals you can serve in any combination you want. The idea of using meat to add flavor to things rather than as the center of every dish is also super useful to learn, bacon flavored rice?

Carbs are great, they are a super valuable energy source (your body prefers them ahead of fat and way ahead of protein) and complex carbs are extremely healthy. Its refined carbs like sugar you have to be careful of, they digest super quickly so you will be hungry again quickly. Meals high in protein, fiber and other complex carbs will satiate you and keep you full for a long time. Even some processed carbs like white rice and white flour are ok as long as they are served in a meal rich in complex carbs. You measure/weigh heavy ingredients like carbs to prevent over eating, a portion of rice is 1/2 a cup not 3 cups.

Carnivore diet is an eating disorder.


There is a whole slew of keto/low carb/carnivore/paleo diets and recipes. You probably need to narrow down what it is that she will eat. Carnivore and other elimination diets are not without merit but not for everyone. Just chicken and nothing else might put you at risk of some deficiences. Vit c and folate for example but some liver or egg could help that, and some people believe we need less vit c if not consuming vegetables.

this site has a run down on chicken only diet


so while there are many people that say that carnivore diets are not sustainable, many in the carnivore community would dispute that.

If your partner is only looking to lose weight then there is likely to be other diets equally beneficial or better.

The low carb approach even if not strictly keto is a totally viable way of eating but chicken only is a bit extreme. Meat only diets will often do beef/butter/salt/bacon.

Chicken especially only breast might not give you enough fat so consider some extra. its been a trope for a long while that certain people do the “chicken and broccoli” diet.

if you look up low carbohydrate vegetables there is actually quite an extensive list, so one can quite easily eat a lot of veg and still be on a low carb diet regime

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