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Unusual and Unexpected Side Effects from Fasting?

Hey, all! Seasoned and experienced long and short-term faster, here. I did 32 days last year around this time, and am currently on day 30 of this year’s extended fast. Feeling pretty good, taking my vitamins and supplements, hoping to break my previous record.

But that’s not what I’m here to discuss! This time ‘round, I’ve noticed something.

For literal decades, I’ve had mild eczema, resulting in itchy, pinhead-sized blisters and dime-sized patches on my feet and toes. It’s a bit of a bother, as I’ve more than once scratched until I was bleeding, just for the relief of it (other folks with eczema can relate, I’m sure!). I’ve never seen a doctor for it, because it was never a HUGE deal. Feel free to yell at me about that, ha ha.

However, this time, while fasting? I’ve noticed: No new blisters or lesions. No itching at ALL. And what was lingering from previous itchy patches has fully healed, with no assistance outside the CeraVe moisturizer I ALWAYS use.

This is crazy, and I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of days, now! I had assumed my eczema was just a permanent, inescapable, autoimmune reality, like my dust allergy, and something I just had to live with, but now, I’m beginning to think it’s a food allergy! When it’s time for my refeed, I’m considering adding back food groups slowly, in week-long stints, to see if anything (dairy, for example) triggers a new flare-up. I may even go to a doctor for an allergy panel!

Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Unexpected side bonuses from fasting that help them understand their own bodies a little better?

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I have eczema… ever since I was a baby. And it’s all over my body, but it’s manageable. My hands are the worse… since a lot of things will trigger flare-ups on my hands (like stress, soap, etc). But I have this one really stubborn, large patch of skin on my elbow that has never healed, is always dry and itchy, red, a different texture than the rest of my arm. I’ve tried different creams / steroid creams for over 20-30 YEARS… and the rough eczema patch is ALWAYS there. I did some 48-hours fasts before… but it wasn’t until I did a 5-day fast (first time ever), that my eczema patch started to fade away. I was sooooo shocked. My husband was shocked too. It’s never EVER faded before. It wasn’t completely gone (at that time), because I started eating food again. But I’ve done a few more 5-6 day fasts since then… and now it’s completely GONE!!! No scarring or evidence I ever had an eczema patch on my elbow. It’s kinda crazy! I’ve had it for sooooo long. Ever since fasting, my eczema has gotten sooo much better. Biggest difference is on my hands!

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