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Unusual fasting times question


Fairly new to all of this but I understand the concept and I think I’m in week 3 of the below so far.

I train in the early AM. Powerbuilding splits 4 out of 7 days with a cardio day thrown in there.

My eating window is 6am - 3pm. I fast into the night and through sleep. I can definitely see some body comp changes but longer term wanted to get some 5akes on this.

Are others completing this IF window? Anything I should expect going forward based on eating/training schedule?

Thanks in advance for replies and info.

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I have done a similar schedule and have had no issues. Not sure how early your workouts are, but I prefer working out on an empty stomach and breaking my fast after.

For me, sometimes fasting early is helpful because then I’m not thinking about breaking my fast all day, etc. Also works for me since I live alone, on days where there’s a family dinner or something I’ll adjust my window or possibly fast longer leading up to it.

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