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Vaccination gain

I have been traveling for a month, feel like we finally can after covid. So.. i enjoyed myself maybe a bit to much. I just wanted to try all the new food šŸ˜… i ate more and shortened my fasting window, mostly for the social aspect (Iā€™m traveling with friends). I havenā€™t stepped on a scale yet but i have definitely gain a few kilos. I just struggling with being okay with it and trust that I wonā€™t go back, gain it all back. Anybody else in a similar situation? Arrg Iā€™m frustrated with myself both for gaining the weight but also focusing on my weight on vacation! Any tips for post-vaccation?

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Just get back to the routine that let you lose weight, to begin with. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your vacation and trying new foods. We often have the ā€œI must try it while I am hereā€ and we do overeat.

Next time going ON vacation you may think to go with the approach of also trying healthier food options from the region you are visiting. They might be amazing and become staples in your own menu once you are back.

All you can do now is go back to the good routine.


Thereā€™s a few points of like to make here,Firstly, as you probably know most of the weight you will have gained is water weight and assuming you go back to a normal routine wilk likely drop off in a week or twoSecondly and more importantly, the number on the scale shouldnā€™t be your only barometer of success for a number of reasons, firstly itā€™s not healthy to fixate on that, if you do youā€™ll get to the point that no number is low enough, think about that!Youā€™re on holiday with friends, you should be enjoying that experience not stressing about eating windows or calories, live your life and enjoy it! Plenty of time to cut weight if you feel you want to when you get back!Lastly, taking a break from IF/calorie controlling AND THEN getting back to it when you return will build mental strength and will make it a sustainable lifestyle.

Enjoy your holiday!

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