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[Vent] Discouraged after holidays

Hi Y’all. Quick shoutout and thank you to this community for being so inspiring and uplifting! I’m here cause I need some encouragement.

I (43F) started IF (18:6) in April last year with goal to loose 25lbs (SW: 167, GW:142). I got down to 145lbs pre-holiday and then just kinda let the carbs slide back in - but nothing crazy. I didn’t calorie count and still held my windows but ended up gaining 7 lbs. :(

It’s not unexpected to gain weight… heck, I was eating cookies and pizza occasionally. But it wasn’t totally falling off the wagon so I think I am just bummed I am so impacted by carbs and sugar.

I feel sooooo much better when low carb/sugar, don’t get me wrong. I have found my life plan with IF. I think I am just bummed as I got a taste of semi-maintenance and it resulted in gain. I have more work to do and am bummed 1-month of being more normal cause such an undoing of weight…

I’m back on low carb. Feeling better and I know I can get to my goal weight. Just need some encouragement…

End vent.

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Are you sure you gained 7 pounds? I think it’s the water weight and it’s gonna take a few days to get down to your pre holiday weight before your binge. I also binged a lot over the holidays and gained about 15 pounds in water weight and now I’m down to my normal weight after fasting for 4 days. Just go back to your normaldiet and you should be good even without the extended fast.


I doubt all 7 lbs is fat gain. With you being low carb before, I bet majority is water weight.

This is one of the reasons I’m waiting to weigh in post-vacation/holidays. Yes, I was more flexible with my eating. I ate carbs but didn’t go overboard and maintained OMAD 90% of the days. BUT, I was low carb before too. I am going to give myself maybe, 3-7 days on my normal schedule before I weigh.

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