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very emotional on day 5 of dry fast, emotional release?

could only get 6 hours of sleep, feeling very emotionally needy.. contacted about 4 people last night that i disregarded in the past feeling that i miss them so much

woke up today feeling very sensitive, easy to make me cry which is unusual and i started sobbing for a good 10 minutes pretty hard

not sure if this is a side affect of fasting ill have to look into it because i usually don’t just cry for no reason, think its an emotional release.. makes me want to keep going and prolong my fast

i was a little surprised that my body could still produce that many tears, just started sobbing about everything traumatic thats happened in my past and recently and so on

anyone else ever experience this?

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I’ve had similar experiences. I’ve found Dry fasting to be the quickest and most effective way to emotionally detox and to purify and heal the mind, body and energy system. Great results guaranteed every time. I meditate daily and I’m not taking shots at the benefits of meditation but you could meditate for an hour a day for a year and you may never reach or even scratch the surface of the level of emotional detoxification and mental clarity a 7 day dry fast will give you. Ultimate practice for shadow work and shadow healing and integration.


so i’ve searched it up and infact it is a real thing, “When you do a fast, you can’t stop dealing with your emotions, you can’t suppress your emotions through food anymore. As the detox process takes place and fat is broken down and used for fuel, these old emotions are gonna come up and come out. Many people during a fast find themselves breaking down and crying…It’s a very humbling experience, and a beautiful time of release.” - https://www.theaniccaway.com/healing-and-health/2016/11/26/extended-fasting-popping-the-cherry-with-a-side-of-emotions

fasting is so amazing with the fact that it promotes emotional healing as well.. mind you i barely cry

i’ve used food like a drug, a coping mechanism for so many years, dealt with endless eating disorders symptoms of depression anxiety BPD adhd, even came a time where i felt like i was being led astray by satan himself and his demons pushing me to join satanism unironically, feelings of disassociation not being part of reality.. nothing feeling real. there also came a time where i was getting closer with God even though i havent been religious very much at all throughout my life. think i’m coming to terms with everything and its such an enlightening experience to say the least. using reddit as a form of blog is so nice, reflecting while fasting is so therapeutic. hope this is interesting for anyone who reads.

before fasting i was feeling very low, anxious and sad most of the time trying to distract myself with various activities and heaps of.. food (aka drugs). lol, i havent had much time to reflect since all ive been thinking about is food and how shit i feel as a result of fasting but pushing through is amazing. not only do i look better shedding weight but i feel better inside, truly cleansing myself in multiple ways. feels like the fasting is getting easier and my body is adapting. i wont lie yesterday was so hard. i wanted to quit so many times but i pushed through and i will continue to do so. i want to inspire others and prove to myself that im strong enough to do this.


This is just my 2 cents/personal experience; I can´t really tell the difference between what is emotional due to physical factors (like brain chemistry for instance) and what is emotional due to “pure emotional scars” if there is even such a thing; I think a lot of our psychological pain is caused by our own habits and ways to think and respond that we haven´t reworked to more healthy ways, but there are also physical factors putting us in different states of mind.
The latter is entwined in our physiology and possible traumas in the past, or just bad chemistry to the brain for instance. When you dry fast you clean the blood more and more and also the brain, which could help those kind of depressions/mood swings. As for all healing it usually shows itself worse than one would have known it to be.
But if you don´t actively do mental excersises and challenge your old ways of thinking, I do think it has to be physically based to improve. Not always easy to separate the 2.

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