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Very skinny guy trying to do dryfast to heal extreme digestive issues

So I eat a decent sized meal and it stays in my stomach for 7+ hours, coupled with constant pain and bloating. I have lost 11kg from this disease So I decided to do daily Dry If 16:8, starting today but im very skinny, very low BF. 61kg at 184cm. I am worried I will have anorexia from this, and lose too much weight

Thank you

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Gastroparesis? Consider raw meats and fats. Fermented meat. Chicken. Im sure red meat might sit a bit long but I know dry fasting even intermittent can increase stomach acidity and.. Receptiveness. Some chloride/blood for HCl.


Just the thoughts of some random dude on the internet but….

Dry fast as long as you can but don’t stress it if it’s only a day or two. Then re-feed with the simplest / densest calorie / easily digestible foods you can tolerate (think fatty beef and rice, rich chicken soup or maybe like an old school body builder mass gainer: eggs, cream, protein powder, glucose powder, creatine, glutamine).

Add a really good probiotic in with your meals and re-feed for as long as it takes to get your weight above your last starting point then dry fast as long as you can again.

Repeat that cycle a few times and see if each fast gets longer and your digestive issues resolve.

I have done similar to fix digestive and other health issues, but I have the opposite problem with weight. I suspect you have to just be more focused on calorie density where as I was focused on nutrient density on my re-feeds (and did not wait for my weight to fully recover). I did notice that you gain a lot of quality mass very quickly after a dry fast so by cycling them I’m sure you can use it as a tool to actually gain mass while heal your issues.

But remember I’m just some random internet dude so use your brain and consult a doctor or something…


What is the disease? It would help to be more specific. If you are worried about losing weight, intermittent dry fasting may be better along with adjusting what you eat. There are other ways to help with digestion than just fasting, and especially if you are already very skinny and worry about losing weight.

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Categories: digest stomach pain bloating meat chicken dry fasting intermittent dry fast stress beef glucose recover losing weight