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Waiting to eat after morning workout?

How crucial is it to get a meal or protein in after working out? I workout in the mornings but prefer a later eating window. I feel like I should be getting something in my body after working out though. What are your experiences?

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My understanding, daily goal intake over weeks and months matters most. So if this schedule works for you and keeps you consistent that’s top priority. The body doesn’t stop looking for resources just because someone didn’t pound a protein shake within 30 minutes of a work out.

But there would be some advantages to having a meal closer to the end of a workout, if you’re the sort to want to grind every last % of efficiency.


From the studies I’ve seen, the difference in recovery time and benefits from eating right after working out are fractions of a percent. Basically negligible. Hyper, hyper athletes might need that ever so slight advantage for a competitive edge, but the every day person doesn’t. Your body will get the nutrients and energy it needs for exercise, growth, and muscle recovery regardless of when you eat, as long as you’re supplying it with the right type of nutrients when you hit your eating window.


The timing is negligible. As long as you are eating at least 1.5g protein/ kg (body weight) everyday during your feeding window (approx 145g for me for example) thats by far the most important thing for building your gains!

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Categories: morning working out eating window studies recover energy muscle