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Wanting to Fast but without losing weight.

Hey, I’m 23(M) 1.85cm and around 78 kg. I’m not that experienced when it comes to fasting, I have tried it many times before, the thing is I don’t like the fact that I’m losing weight and I don’t know when comes to breaking the fast what should I eat and how much. I exercise a minimum of 3 days a week if not more. I want to mention that I take Fish Oil and D3 vitamins daily in the morning. I want to emphasize that I am just really interested in being able to concentrate and also not having to eat that many times a day.

Any advice would be really appreciated!

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What was the fasting schedule in the past? Maybe what you are looking for is more of /r/intermittentfasting/ variety.

Go with a lenient 16:8 daily (eating only with a 8 hour window) 12PM-8PM for example. Have your normal food intake, for most they should be able to hit their caloric maintenance. Is eating only 2 times a day more of what you are looking for? If it’s regulating everything to 1 meal a day (OMAD) you are going to have to consume quite a bit at one time.

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Categories: to fast losing weight fish oil vitamin morning fasting schedule intermittent 1 meal a day omad