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Water/Dry Fasting and shrinking benign brain tumors/any dry fasting centers?


Has anyone here had success in shrinking a meningioma tumor with water or dry fasting? Or any kind of benign brain tumor? I’m open to trying some alternative methods to shrink this thing before going under the knife. I have a 4cm brain tumor the MRI revealed a few days ago. With the surgery, I’m probably going to lose all hearing in left ear and possibly have paralysis on the left side of my face. Instead of accepting that surgery is the only option, I’m exploring some other avenues. Also while I’m here, are there any centers that monitor people while dry fasting that you’ve been to or heard about? I’ve never dry fasted before. I do intermittent water fasting everyday, but that’s about the extent of my fasting experience. Thank you all in advance for any info and advice you have to offer. It’s more appreciated than you know. It’s been a very stressful 5 days for me.

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This is really not my place but please, please, please don’t base your choice for such a thing on anecdotical experiences of stranger people on the internet.

I cannot imagine how hard handling such a situation can be, but I strongly suggest whatever alternative way you think to take you speak with your GP and oncologist to check, double check and even triple check that what you choose is not making worse a situation that is already serious.

You have my sympathy OP, best of luck.


Fasting alone won’t solve much, you should also mind your diet and change it in order to reduce your tumour.

For instance, did you know that tumours live on sugar, but can’t live on fat? Meaning that if you fast while practicing a keto diet your chances of eliminating that tumor by yourself grow.

Also add the right vitamins to your diet: vitamin C, vitamin D 10,000UI, vitamin A, Zinc.

If you exercise while fasting it will also speed up the process.

And of course try to get as much sun as you possible.

Now, I don’t know you, but if there’s anyone or anything in your life that’s causing you terrible stress, that should also be eliminated. Be it a toxic marriage, a stressing work, depression, anything of this sort really.

I would try this for about 3 or 4 months before going under the knife, brain surgeries are very dangerous and if there’s a chance that they can be avoided, I’d try that first.


Maybe this will interest you. Just random videos I saved while informing myself about Intermittent Fasting:


Dr. Thomas Seyfried: Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease



Thomas Seyfried - “Water Fasts” as a Potential Tactic to Beat Cancer



Discussion on Cancer with Professor Thomas Seyfried - Dr Berg’s Skype Interview



If you truly try something like this (trying to starve the cancer of glucose and glutamine), I would be curious to know how it goes for you or someone reading this.


The True North Health Center (www.healthpromoting.com) does supervised water-only fasting. I don’t think they do dry fasting though. They do have a case-study where they cured a lymphoma case with water fasting: https://www.healthpromoting.com/learning-center/articles/british-medical-journal-follow-water-only-fasting-and-exclusively-plant-foo (lymphoma case report update in British Medical Journal)


like, anddam said, a lot of these things are anecdotal and i would hate to see someone waste time fasting when they could be having tumors cut out before they become deadly.

Having said that, this guy (he is a vegan, but putting our differences aside) has been running a fasting clinic in america since the late 80s. He has been in legal trouble for it on and off through out the years but he is still a legally qualified doctor and claims to have people’s tumors shrunk (references needed) during the 40 day fast.

I have never done anything so extreme and they have supplementation a long the way which i do not know about. But if you were going to try it, i guess you might want to look there first.


The thing with fasting and tumours is that it is supposed to wake your immune system up to be able to help eat and defeat tumour. The problem here would be that a 1 off 40 day fast would put tremendous stress on the immune system without really giving it a chance to recover. That is my unprofessional opinion. I would have thought that several shorter (5 day approx ) fasts broken up by refeeds and rests would/might bee more beneficial. But then again, i dont really know.

I’d also like to second what someone else said about a lack of glucose and glutamine starving the cancers and basically halting their growth. I have come tobelieve the same thing, that is 98 percent of cases, the cancers feed off these two nutrients and if you take them away or at least limit them as you do in a fast, you really limit the cancer’s potential to grow and spread while your immune system can potantially eat them during autophagy. But I am not a doctor, not even a reddit doctor.

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