| | Water Fasting

Water Fasting Update: Day 1/7

The first 24 hours wasn’t that bad. Started off the day by going to the gym and working chest with some light triceps workout. Followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill at 12 incline and 4.0 pace.

Starting Weight: 291 (Saturday, 7:30pm) Current Weight: 285 (Sunday, 7:30pm)

All day its been water in and water out. Food hasn’t been of main concern thanks to my occassional Diet Coke. Not feeling hungry or anything like that. No headaches or anything out of the norm.

Going to go to bed early after smashing some icw cold electrolyte filled water. Goal is to hit the gym early in the morning! I also went to the store and bought some Ketosis strips to see how deep I go into Ketosis after a few days so I will keep you guys posted on that as well.

See you in the next 24!

Day 0 Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/11iiphr/start_of_water_fast_day_07/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

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Very nice!! I dropped 12lbs during my first 3 day fast and I’ve started rolling 72’s since then but haven’t lost much more weight (another two lbs). You’re doing awesome!! I’m 26 hours my fast so I’m right there w you. Best of luck!! ✌️

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