I work a job that is very physical. And ive found that skipping even one meal or snack seems to cause what little muscle I have to go completely weak and I get shakey and its not good for my clients.
If I stick with omad will that improve over time? Like would my body adjust? Noone else I know has such an extreme physical reaction to skipping meals tbh
Some people are a lot more reactive to fasting (I know people that will faint if they go more than about 8 hours without food). It may be that OMAD isnt for you and honestly I think a majority of people struggle with OMAD if they’re quite active.
As other’s have suggested, try more carbs!
I’m fine with low carb when doing 16:8 or 18:6 but when I do OMAD I find I really need more carbs to survive.
Also, have you jumped straight into OMAD or have you transitioned from “regular” intermittent fasting? If you have, and given your response to OMAD, maybe try starting at 12:12 and working up gradually over a few weeks to 20:4 and if that’s working then try OMAD again.
It’s hard to answer cause we can’t rly see how normally strong you are etc etc
But from my experience with fasting, once your body gets used to fasting, you do not lack energy or strength. In fact you get a huge boost of energy.
So IMO just try to eat healthy during your eating window and make sure you are getting enough calories and nutrients during that time. As well as building muscle to make sure ur not losing a bunch of muscle with your weight loss.
Carbs = heat and energy. If you’re running out of vooma you’re not getting enough carbs.
I’d say keep your omad, make it breakfast, and load up so you’ve got the powa for the work. If anything its a legitimate excuse for a big breakfast, with coffee :)
You may also need more time to adjust, it may be you’re not ready for omad quite just yet, it is quite a shift no doubt about it, and your heightened physical activity each day does indeed alter the equation.
I had that response at first but I eased into it. Went from 16-8 to 18-6 to 20-4 to 21-3 to 22-2 and omad and some odd 48-72’s. Body adapted. I work out fasted now usually and typically do 22-2 so I’m deep in the fast when I do I break my fast immediately after. I couldn’t do that at first took quite some time to adjust but the body is good at adjusting with time. Just ease into it