| | Water Fasting

Week 0 of 6+ weekly 72hr fasts

Given the rising cost of living, I’ve decided to save money by not eating for 3 days of the week taking my health into my own hands and avoid potential future medical bills. I’ve heard lots of great things about fasting, and having listened to Dr Jason Fung’s youtube lectures and Complete Guide to Fasting audiobook, as well as other great resources like Dorian Wilson, I feel like I’m well equipped to give it a shot.

The reasons for starting this regime are 3 fold.

  1. Since 2020, I’ve developed poor alcohol habits. Trying to abstain without a framework has been impossible, as I’ll always find an excuse to allow myself just 1 sixpack. I’m hoping diving headfirst into the fasting lifestyle will reset my cravings for all things booze.
  2. In recent months, I’ve become a little lazy in the kitchen. Found myself ordering take out 4+ times a week. I used to enjoy cooking, but slipped into the habit of UberEats after a long 12hr night shifts. I’m looking to break that habit and find joy in cooking again.
  3. I’m sick of the tum tum.

The plan:

Starting weight: 110kg

Current weight: 103kg (After first 72hr)

Goal weight: Lose the “when are you expecting?” gut.

First fast feelings:


I fully expect to regain most of the lost water weight by Sunday, MAYBE with a net loss of 1kg. While fat loss is a goal, it is not the be all end all. I’m more interested in the other health benefits, as well as resetting my eating/drinking habits. Perhaps I should have looked to do a DEXA scan, for funsies. I do expect some body re-composition, as long as I’m consistent. At the end of the 6 weeks, perhaps I’ll see the beginnings of some progress.

I’ll check-in each week, to help keep myself accountable/motivated. I’m sorry for making this forum my progress journal! :P

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> Since 2020, I’ve developed poor alcohol habits. Trying to abstain without a framework has been impossible, as I’ll always find an excuse to allow myself just 1 sixpack.

Unsolicited advice time, and I’m probably going to ruffle some feathers, but here’s your framework:

Spend some time learning what alcohol actually does to your mind and body. A great place to start is the recent Huberman Lab podcast episode. Some good books are This Naked Mind, Alcohol Explained, and Alcohol Lied to Me. You could also do a 30 day challenge like “The Alcohol Experiment” (there’s a book or you can just do it on the web).

Then you won’t want to drink alcohol anymore. All the framework that you need is to recognize alcohol for what it really is instead of the bullshit that a trillion dollar industry and delusional society tells you about it. Neither willpower nor cult memberships are required.

Fasting will be a million times easier without alcohol in your life. So will fitness. You will have 10x more energy and 100x more self-control.

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